Pat me on the back, I actually sat down Sunday morning and made a meal plan for this week's dinners. Oh, was I looking forward to dinner last night: Squash Mac 'n' Cheese. The husband didn't scrunch up his nose at the idea of cooked vegetables in his comfort food. And, seriously, who doesn't love cheesy macaroni? Dinner was supposed to be a win-win situation all around.
So what happened?
I can't even tell you. I cooked the whole wheat pasta - something we eat regularly in our house, so I know that wasn't to fault - and cooked up a medium squash. I made a simple cheese sauce with Swiss and a variety of shredded Cheddar and Mozzarella. I added in some salt and freshly ground black pepper, as called for in the recipe. I even added in a dash of onion powder because I thought the dish was a little light on spices. That all sounds fine, doesn't it?
Well, our pasta was bland. The husband put red pepper on his; I loaded on the mixed-up salt. And then I threw a chopped tomato on top to try and liven things up. Nothing really made it better.
There will be a take 2 for this meal, mainly because I still think it sounds like a good dish, and the fact that the husband isn't opposed to me trying it again means I must grab the opportunity. Next time, though, I think I'm going to up the amount of squash and spices. And I think a few breadcrumbs sprinkled on at the last minute won't hurt it, either. Hopefully next time things will turn out better and I'll be willing to share the recipe - one that won't embarrass me - with you.
Tell me: What has thoroughly disappointed you in the kitchen despite your extremely high hopes for it?
Boy, that really is a bummer. I hate it when a dish looks so good and doesn't work out.
ReplyDeleteThere was a Rachael Ray recipe for a lemon cheesecake. It ended up really bland and tasteless. I'm always very depressed when cheesecake turns out poorly. :)
Really liked this meatless recipe:
ReplyDeleteFit the bill for "healthier mac-n-cheese"!